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Boost Your Content Marketing Strategy Using Google Analytics
10 questions to ask about your content marketing strategy using google analytics scroll tracking reports.
Bing Ads Conversion Tracking & Remarketing With Google Tag Manager
Setting up a single UET tag and inserting across your website allows bing ads to track all kind of events happening on your site.
What causes High Bounce Rate In Google Analytics
If you are confused by the High Bounce rate in Google Analytic reports. I have discussed few likely things causing it and included a few tips for reducing the Bounce Rate.
Event Tracking vs Virtual Pageviews – The Good, The Bad and The Better
Confused whether to use Google Analytics Event Tracking vs Virtual Pageviews? I have discussed in depth about the benefits and drawbacks of each here.
Integrate Traffic Source & Referral data in your CRM
Google Analytics Traffic source data can be a goldmine, here is how you can use it in your CRM and other places for better segmentation and targeting of leads.
Implementing KISSMetrics using Google Tag Manager
A step by step guide for implementing Kissmetrics using Google Tag Manager. A ready to use template to get you started also included.
How to Track Banner Impressions Using Google Tag Manager and Universal Analytics
Here is a cool way I use to track banner impressions and clicks on your site using google tag manager and bit of elbow grease.
Rethinking Ecommerce Tracking in Google Analytics for Higher Accuracy
How we can improve ecommerce tracking in google analytics with a hybrid browser / server approach. Some thoughts on making order tracking more reliable.