Case Study

Empowering Ushahidi's Global Impact with Comprehensive Data Collection & Analysis

Ushahidi is one of the largest non-profit technology companies that builds open-source platforms. These aim to help marginalized people raise their voices by gathering data and analyzing it to mobilize communities. Their tools are used by tens of thousands of individuals and organizations fighting for social causes in over 160 countries.


Doubled engagement with data and improved visibility for stakeholders with active deployments and better user journey analysis

the challenge

Ushahidi had three key issues that needed to be resolved to improve their data visibility and deployments.
  1. Manual ticket resolution: Ushahidi tracks deployment and creator data in Google Sheets. This means that the team has to manually resolve support requests, resulting in delays and tedious work.
  2. Missing conversion and churn data: There is no mechanism to measure successful onboardings and drop-offs, which makes it a challenge to understand why people are dropping off and how this can be improved.
  3. Cluttered data: The team can’t differentiate authentic from spam (test) deployments which adds clutter to the collected data.

the solution

The goal was to create a comprehensive tracking plan that incorporated all events to analyze user behavior correctly. We needed to build a system that collected data automatically on user interaction and stored it in a centralized place.

Here’s how the MarketLytics team enabled this:
  1. Data collection: We collected the data using a combination of Google Tag Manager (web) and the newly released Google Tag Manager (server side).
  2. Data translation: Next, we sent it to Google Analytics to identify users, measure interactions with our sites, and identify how these users reached our sites.
  3. Data storage: We stored and transformed this information using Google BigQuery to load all raw data into designated data sets and query it using SQL.
  4. Data visualization: Finally, we used Google DataStudio reports to give an updated view on potential customers and their activity.

the result

As a result, Ushahidi was able to access an end-to-end view of deployment activity and user journey in both Google Analytics 4 and Google BigQuery. They could also visualize all events incorporated in their mastersheet along with deployment performance, which gets automatically refreshed. This automates the manual process of gathering data, responding to users, and finding potential users.
400+ eCommerce and SaaS brands are making better, data-driven actions thanks to MarketLytics
400+ eCommerce and SaaS brands are making better, data-driven actions thanks to MarketLytics